Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Inequality in the Distribution of Riches and Development...

As Americans we see prosperity through a rather narrow viewpoint. When the average American purchases a shirt they do not stop to consider that their clothing is manufactured in a third world country. One third world country that is ravaged by poverty is Pakistan. In Pakistan â€Å"85 percent of people live on less than two dollars a day†. That is outrageous considering the fast food culture Americans live in where you spend nearly ten dollars on just one meal. This poses the question why are some countries so rich and others so poor? This question is not an easy one to answer considering the endless circumstances that make countries so rich and countries so poor. A true reality is that governmental and international institutions may not be doing enough to assist countries in need. First world countries can provide third world countries with tools to further their development ,such as making efforts to end world hunger and providing the less fortunate with a quality education. There are various explanations that lay the culprit to lack of natural resources and geography. One of the explanations for poverty in third world countries is the lack of natural resources. First world countries are abundant in natural resource. This allows for vast economic growth in fortunate countries. But for countries that lack the natural resources needed to succeed demonstrative problems are the result. In order to produce a strong and healthy economy it must have a backbone that keeps it stable.Show MoreRelatedThe United States Wealth Inequality Gap1369 Words   |  6 Pagesit. The United States wealth inequality gap is one of the largest gaps in the world. According to the article Causes of Poverty by Anup Shah, â€Å" Almost half the world, over 3 billion people, live on less than $2.50 a day. 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